Monday, June 04, 2007


Party Time, Excellent

This weekend, one of my friends had a barbeque in the city. So the whole family piled into the Family Truckster and headed down to the party. I was really looking forward to the party because I rarely have the chance to show off my kids. I try to make it a habit of doing my serious drinking without them. Which pretty much makes me an absentee father. But this time, I decided to involve them.

Luke fell asleep on the way down but didn’t transfer to a bed. So with just 30 minutes of a nap, he was thrust into a party with a bunch of people he doesn’t know. Yeah, he was a little shy about that. He eventually warmed up, but he really didn’t want anything to do with the other kids there. Maybe it’s because they were all under the age of 1 and not really much fun (for Luke, anyway).

There were two activities that Luke really did seem to enjoy though. One was watching all my drinking buddies (who I think were pretty amazed to see me acting relatively responsible with my kids) playing Bean Bags. He just loved watching them throw the bags. Goofy kid.

The other thing he enjoyed doing was pumping the keg. Every time someone went to pour a beer, he’d run over and pump the keg for them. If there’s one thing I hated in high school and college, it was the loser who never learned how to pump a keg. So every time you got a beer, it was 90% foam. (The cause, generally, is over-pumping. The first rule is you don’t HAVE to pump the keg every time. Wait until there’s no pressure, THEN pump.) Anyway, I don’t want Luke to be that dork. And I think that if I continue this training regimen, he should be a keg master by the time he hits grade school.

Courtney, of course, was an angel the entire time. She just hung out, smiled, ate a little and slept. Not much more you can ask for. I think The Wife had a good time too. We don’t get a chance to hang out with our friends as much as we used to, so it was great getting caught up. It would have been nicer if we didn’t have to go home at 7:30, but such is the life of the suburban parents.

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