Monday, April 16, 2007


Searching for Terrorists

For some reason, I started thinking about elementary school the other day. One person that popped into my mind was Mohab Wagdy. He was a nice enough guy, but a little odd. He was Egyptian, lived in the townhomes near us and never learned to ride a bike. (This really amused me when we had our bike safety training in 5th grade and he had to use training wheels.) I used to hang out with him a little during recess and such. In 5th grade, he moved away.

One of the coolest things in the entire world is the internet. With it, you can look up anyone in the world. So I decided to hop on Google and see if I could find Mohab. I wondered what had happened to him. Like maybe he was a long-distance runner at Carthage College in the late 1990's. Perhaps he'd been indicted in an insider-trading scandal on Wall Street. Maybe he'd caught the biggest catfish in Louisiana. You never know.

I was pretty confident in my search on Mohab since he had such an odd name. Nobody in the world could possibly have such a weird name. Well, that would be true if by "world," I meant my own tiny little suburban, Illinois world. If I meant the larger arab-speaking world, I'd find out that it's actually a VERY common name. Who'd a thunk it.

So my google search returned a lot of arabic words with either "Mohab" or "Wagdy" bolded. No sign of Carthage College. No Wall Street. No catfish. On the bright side, it's quite possible that I'm now on the CIA watch list because "Mohab Wagdy" looses translates into "The President has loose bowels." Thank you, Google.

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