Monday, January 15, 2007


Me So Tired

For some reason, I haven't been sleeping well lately. The optimist in me would like to say that it has something to do with me working out again. The theory is that since I've lost weight and stopped eating as poorly and drinking so much, that maybe my body was responding by needing less sleep. Well, that certainly can't be true because I'm tired as all hell.

(By the way, I think the reason that I'm so tired is because of this party I went to on Saturday. It was extremely smoky and I'm never around smoke anymore. So it irritated my nose. Which caused me to snore at night. Which is waking me up. And keeping me up at night. Yet another example of how much my life sucks right now. I've zoomed right past "adult," right past "parent" and become "my parents." So help me, if I start listening to old episodes of "The Shadow" on AM radio on Sunday nights, I'll shoot myself. And, no, I didn't make that up. Yes, trips back from Wisconsin with my dad driving were GREAT.)

And so it's 10:20 at night. My intentions were to go to sleep at 9:00, after another 2-hour 24. (By the way, another great episode. More on that tomorrow.) I was supposed to send out an email by the end of the day. I was waiting to hear from some people from work whether it was okay or not. So at 9:00, I logged onto my laptop and discovered that someone suggested some edits. Fine, I'd make the changes and then send it out. But before I knew it, I was in an online chat about the email.

So now it's 10:25 and I'm still waiting for the final sign-off. And this is when I realized that having a mobile workforce isn't necessarily a good thing. When I agreed to work at Geeks, Inc., I asked whether I would be given a laptop. They said "yes," which I liked because I could work at home. Now I'm coming to regret that I asked. And all because I'm tired. That's why the digital age is sometimes a double-edged sword. Yes, it allows you the freedom to work from home and spend more time with your family. But, the ability to work from home means that there's an expectation that you'll be readily accessible. Which of course means less time with the family. The good news is that I think it's only going to get better as technology improves.

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