Friday, January 12, 2007


Giddy Doesn’t Even BEGIN to Describe It

I’m so excited right now, I can hardly even explain it. No, not because it’s 3:45 on a Friday afternoon. And not because I’ve actually run out of work after an extremely hectic week. And not because The Wife and I are planning on going out on a date tonight (a seemingly rare occurrence for us). Nope, I’m excited because 24 is FINALLY coming back to TV.

24 might be my favorite show on TV right now. Given that I’ve cut my TV watching down to about 5 hours a week, this isn’t saying much. Quite simply, it’s the one show that I feel I have to watch LIVE, not on TiVo. There’s two reasons why. One is that our TiVo sucks (actually it’s a Comcast DVR and I hate Comcast), and it frequently doesn’t stop fast-forwarding when you tell it to. Sometimes this goes on for minutes. And I would HATE to accidentally see a crucial scene before I see it in its appropriate context.

The second reason is that, honestly, I need the commercial breaks so that I have a minute to breathe. 24 is the most fast-paced, amazing show I’ve ever seen. At virtually every commercial, you’re left gasping, in shock at what just happened. You need to take a couple minutes off to calm down again and get ready for the next part of the show.

Anyway, I’ve been really sucking at keeping up on my TV shows this fall. I’m going to make every effort to comment on 24 every week. If you’re a fan of the show, then you have a place to turn every Tuesday (or so) to see what I think. If not, then you have yet another reason to not read my blog.

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