Wednesday, October 25, 2006


What Happens When You Assume?

I had a training session all day today at GeeksInc. It was one of those Hip Hip Hooray sessions where they tell you how great GeeksInc is. It was an incredibly good use of 8 hours.

Anyway. Two women were leading the session. One of the women (who looked a bit like Marg Helgenberger from CSI) introduced herself with a noticeable accent. I don’t want to tell you her actual name, but it was something like Irina Imreallypolishsky. And so naturally, I presumed she was of eastern European descent. But, like with the black woman with the white marriage photo, I was wrong.

Irina was talking about where people were from. That’s when she said, “Clearly I’m not from Chicago. You can obviously tell that I’m from Argentina.” Huh? Oh yeah. She’s a WOMAN. She’s probably married. It’s no doubt her husband’s name. Turns out I was wrong again. (Notice a theme?)

At the very end of the course, someone asked her to spell her name for the evaluation form. That’s when she told us that it’s actually her MAIDEN name. Apparently, her husband (who’s also from Argentina) has a name that’s ever harder to pronounce. I don’t remember what it was, but it had several consonants in it that don’t belong together. Like “czmklrz.” And I think I’m actually being generous. I guess it never occurred to me that eastern Europeans settled in Argentina. And I never would have guessed that they'd end up speaking Spanish. I guess it just goes to show what a boob I am. And that I really need to stop making assumptions about people.

i felt it necessary to comment due to the boob statement.

that's it.
I met some Brazilians that were actually Polish. I asked alot of questions about what the hell was going on and looked like a...........BOOB!
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