Wednesday, September 06, 2006


So You Had a Bad Day….

I’m off to a terrible start this morning. You know how some people wake up on the wrong side of the bed? I didn’t quite have that problem today. Instead, I woke up with my head inside my butt.

As I was driving to the train station this morning, I heard something in the back seat. It was Luke. He was wondering why we passed daycare without stopping. The answer is very simple. It’s because I’m an idiot.

Of course, I was running late this morning and turning around to drop Luke off was not going to help matters. Fortunately, I didn’t have to stay long to drop him off. Not that Luke was happy to be at daycare, but Miss Cathy seemed to understand my problem and helped placate him.

I managed to make it to the train on-time, but only just barely. When I got to work, the elevators took awhile to come down. So when I finally got on one, it was completely packed. I pushed 17, stepped back and waited to get off. When I looked up, the doors had opened at 19. Apparently, I spaced out when the doors opened at 17.

So I got off at 19 and walked down 2 flights of stairs. It wasn’t the worst thing to happen, but so far, I’ve been awake about 3 hours and made 2 HUGE boneheaded mistakes. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if I get hit by a car today. Or with how spacey I’ve been today, I might even get hit by an elephant or get trampled in a stampede of water buffalos. I can’t wait!

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