Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Isn’t It Ironic?

I love stories of irony. I find them touching and heart-warming. This one is a bit depressing and morbid. But in the interest of providing fair-and-balanced coverage, I have to share it. (Okay, I never claimed to provide anything even remotely fair and balanced. Get off my back.)

I’m not a big fan of police officers. Sure, they do good things, like stop criminals. But they also do annoying things like give you $5 tickets for not stopping at a stop sign. On your bike. (Yeah, that happened to me in Elk Grove, whose official motto is “Our Cops Have Nothing Better To Do.”)

Anyway, according to the Chicago Tribune, two police officers were killed while riding their bikes. The ironic part is that they were on a charity bicycle ride to raise money for spouses of police officers that were killed on duty.

And now that I’ve invited a shitload of bad karma, I’m going to be doubly sure that I drive the speed limit everywhere I go for the next 10 years.

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