Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Are You an Idiot, an Imbecile or a Moron?

As usual, I was reading The Straight Dope and I came across this passage about the origins of the word idiot: “In the early years of IQ tests, an idiot was someone with an IQ of 0-25, an imbecile had an IQ of 26-50, and a moron had an IQ of 51-70.”

The origins of the word “idiot” actually have nothing to do with an IQ test. It was used in ancient Greece to describe anyone that wasn’t a politician. (Ironically, the word “idiot” today is used ONLY to describe politicians.)

My point is that I never realized that there were formal definitions for idiots, imbeciles and morons. That just makes me wonder if morons used to look down on idiots and imbeciles. Do you think they had separate social clubs? I would have liked to have been a member of the Moron Club (no imbeciles allowed).

Think of what a great club that would be today! Lindsay Lohan would be in it, but thankfully neither Nicole Richie (imbecile) or Paris Hilton (idiot) would be. Barry Bonds would be in it, but not John Rocker. I’d be a charter member, but Jay Mariotti (of the Sun-Times) would still be trying to figure out how he and John Rocker could start an Idiot’s Club.

And so I say to you, if you ARE a moron, wear that badge proudly. Go out, buy a scarlet M, and emblazon it on yourself. Show the world just what a moron you are!

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