Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Bite the Bubble

One of the unexpected reactions to my blog has been the number of people who are upset when I don’t mention them. Usually, this isn’t intentional. I’m always looking for something to write about. The problem is that I just don’t remember things very well anymore. (Further complicating matters is that I’m usually drunk when I have these “interesting” conversations that would make good blog entries.)

This weekend, my friend Cathy reminded me of a story she told me that didn’t make the blog. Well, Cathy, it’s making the blog today! I’ve forgotten many of the details, but since none of you know them either, it doesn’t matter. Basically, this kid was thrown out of his 4th grade class for being a jerk. On his way out, he told the teacher that she farts in the bathtub and bites the bubble.

I have to admit, this is incredibly creative. I admire that about children. Sure, they’re more or less mindless twits who like to repeat themselves over and over again. (That’s why I get along with them so well. We have so much in common.) But every once in awhile, they do something wonderfully creative like this.

And so, in honor of this kid, whoever he may be, I’ve decided to make “bite the bubble” one of my new favorite band names. I’ve also decided to use it as an insult more often. Someone pisses me off at work? “Go bite the bubble!” Let them figure out what it means.

In fact, I might even try to create a website called I don’t know what I’d put on it yet. Maybe just creative insults. Or odd things that children say. All I know is that the Jump The Shark guy sold his website to TVGuide for millions of dollars. I think Bite The Bubble could enjoy similar success. And if I do become a multi-millionaire because of Bite The Bubble, Cathy, I promise to give you at least $1 for giving me the idea in the first place.

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