Monday, May 22, 2006


One Step Too Far

Have we gone too far in society? Every once in awhile, I ask myself this question. A recent article I saw on Yahoo makes me pretty damn certain that the answer is “yes.”

It appears that the new “thing” on campuses is called a Lavender Graduation. This is basically a private graduation for gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, etc. people. They’re given rainbow tassles to wear at the school’s main graduation.

Before I get into my rant, I’d like to say that I fully support gay rights. I think they should be allowed to get married. They can even adopt kids for all I care. But what I don’t understand is why they need their own graduations.

I understand that being gay isn’t easy. Unless you’re a college student. Honestly, is there any place in society that’s so accepting (if not encouraging) of the gay lifestyle? If I spent as much time studying as I did trying to encourage straight women to make out with each other, I would have graduated Magna Cum Laude. But now they want to wear rainbow tassles and have their own graduations? Haven’t we gone too far?

My problem is that I don’t know where we draw the line. African-Americans get their own graduations and tassles. I’m sure Latinos do too. Maybe even Asians. What next? Do we give them to Albanians? Moroccans? Now that gays have their own graduations, why not some smaller groups. I was really hoping there’d be a graduation for punk rockers, mostly because I wanted to see their tassles. I have a feeling that they’d be sticking up like a mini-mohawk.

Now that gays have their own graduations, it’s only going to get worse with time. I swear that when Luke graduates from college, he’s going to have to attend a special graduation for people who were named after Star Wars characters. Come to think of it, I’m actually looking forward to that particular ceremony. Forget everything I said. Gays, you deserve your lavender graduation! Now bring on the storm troopers commencement!

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