Thursday, May 04, 2006


I'm Done!

I'm officially done with grad school! Yay! I had my last final Tuesday afternoon in Investment Banking. It was a pretty easy final, which is a great way to end a college career. It was a much more enjoyable final than my last undergrad final, which was in linear algebra. Yeah, I'd much rather write about issuing bonds than inverting matrices. (Though I'm guessing most people would rather snort Ajax than do either.)

The point is that I'm finally done. Well, I'm almost done anyway. I still have that stupid speech to do. I don't know why I agreed to do it. Oh yeah, I'm an attention hog. Damn me for being a middle child and needing attention! I'm having a hard time writing my speech for some reason. I got a good way through it the other day, but I've stalled out again.

I just can't quite figure out what I want to tell 650 graduates. Should I tell them that they'll all be successful? No. Should I tell them all to go out and make a difference in the world? No, because difference-makers are attention-getters. And attention-getters are the first ones to get fired. I think my message should be to sink into the background. Don't be noticed. But also make sure you aren't unreplaceable at your job. If you can't be replaced, you won't be. Yes, I think it should be something motivational like that.

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