Monday, May 15, 2006


The First Day of the Rest of My Life

Today, I officially started working again. I had my orientation at LAF. It wasn't terribly exciting, as is the case of most orientations. I learned that being unethical is apparently frowned upon at accounting firms now. Something about Enron. Does anybody know what that is? I'd never heard about this Enron thing before. Jeez, you think it might be on the news once or twice. I can't tell you how tempted I was to raise my hand in training today and say, "What's Enron?" I think I would have been shot on the spot.

I learned a couple things today. One is that my cube is really small. It seems that cubes keep getting smaller. I don't like that trend. Eventually, I think we're going to have 1 square foot of workspace, and we're going to have to stand all day. Actually, one thing that LAF does amuses me. They "hotel" their cubicles. No, they don't rent them out to $10 whores. (At least, not that I know of. Perhaps that's covered in tomorrow's orientation class on "Really, REALLY cool benefits." Since a lot of the CPA's are out auditing clients, LAF figured there was no sense wasting valuable Loop office space with empty cubes. So, they reduced the number of cubes by about 75%. Whenever one of the auditors is in the office, they "register" at the "hotel" and get assigned a cube. How quaint. I'm thinking of turning my cube into a bed and breakfast.

Another cool thing about my job is that I get a laptop. (Actually, everybody gets a laptop. It's part of the whole "hoteling" process. If I'm not going to be at work, somebody gets to use my desk. But not my computer. Which is nice, because that's where I like to store my kiddie porn. Oops. Disregard that comment. My delete key is broken again.) The nice thing about the laptop is that now I can actually do some work while I'm on the train. I figure I'll be on the train about 30-45 minutes a day, depending on whether I get an express train. Truth be told, I probably won't do much work on the train. But I might just be inspired to write a blog entry or two. And then I can do some work at home and still hit my billable target. Yay!

I don't get my computer until tomorrow, so I got to leave work early today. That was a pleasant surprise. I don't expect to be getting another one of those for quite some time. Anyway, I still owe a couple of posts on some recent TV shows. But I don't have the time right now. Perhaps tomorrow. Although I was told that there's going to be a happy hour tomorrow afternoon to welcome me to my group. I think I'm going to really like working here.

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