Friday, April 14, 2006


Pulling Stumps

Last night when I got home, it was gorgeous out. I love spring. It's my favorite season by far. And it's because of times like last night. It was the first night of the year that was really warm. Plus, it was light out. So when I got home, The Wife and I took Luke for a walk around the block. (He loved it. He was doing a lot of screaming as he walked, waving his arms like the robot on Lost in Space. "Danger, Mommy and Daddy! Danger!")

When we got home, it was just too nice out to go back in doors. Luke felt the same way. (He screamed his head off as soon as I picked him up and headed to the front door to go inside.) So, I took him to the back yard so he could play and I could read through my mail. After about 5 minutes, I got bored. So I decided to start pulling stumps. (No, that's not dirty. Actually, it is dirty, but it's not perverted.)

You see, The Wife abhors bushes. So far, we've chopped down 5 out of 6 bushes in our backyard (with the other one certain to follow at some point). We've chopped down 2 bushes on the border of our property. And 4 more in the front of our house. Yes, that's 11 bushes in all. How many stumps have we dug up? Just 5. So, since Luke was just playing around in the backyard, I figured I'd try to dig up a stump.

I don't know if you've ever dug up a stump before, but it's not fun work. This one wasn't too bad because it was basically a bunch of small roots all wrapped around one huge stump. So most of the roots came up easily. But then I got to the monster stump. It didn't want to budge. I tried yelling at it, cursing at it, spitting on it. Nothing. I tried to cut it in half with a chainsaw, but that didn't work. Eventually, I was able to saw through the various roots (which were several inches thick) and finally pry the bastard up. And I was frigging exhausted from it. (When I dug up the ones at the front of the house last year, I had to use a winch tied to my truck to get the damn things out. And it still took about an hour per stump.)

Luckily, it was trash day (and lawn refuse day) today, so I could just drag all the branches and stumps to the curb. And all I could think the whole time was: Why isn't Luke old enough to be doing all this crap so I can just sit inside and drink beer? God, I love kids.

I count eight total bushed removed around the house and four stumps removed...
I don't abhor bushes. I just abhor the stupid places the people before us put them and the fact that they shaped them into mushrooms.
Okay. Let's go over the back yard. 2 mushrooms. (Both removed and de-stumped.) 4 multi-branch thingies. (3 removed, 2 de-stumped.)

There are the 2 bushes on the edge of the property. Then there was the triple bush at the corner of our house. (Three intertwined bushes that looked like one bush, but had three stumps.) Then the bush in front of the house that we haven't de-stumped yet.
in the wife's defense.. the bushes were not pretty.
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