Thursday, April 13, 2006


OCD Rears Its Ugly Head Again

I've come to accept the fact that I have some mild form of OCD. (One my psych friends points out that it's more likely OCP(ersonality)D. That just doesn't have the same ring to it. So I'm sticking to OCD.) Last night, it took over my life and kept me up way too late.

It all started innocently enough. I was playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and listening to music from 2000 so I could rate it. (By the way, 2000 has been a major disappointment. But I've already discussed that.) I finished rating 2000 and realized I hadn't loaded any songs from 2001-2004 onto my iPod. So, I imported the 400 songs into my music browser. (I use Creative, which is a pain in my ass. Then again, I don't really like RealPlayer either. I'm still looking for a good music browser. Anyway.)

The songs I imported didn't have track numbers. Now, you can't have a ranking of 100 songs without somehow denoting which song is #1 and which is #100, can you? Well, I certainly can't. Cuz I have OCD. So I proceeded to number all 400 songs, 1-100 by year. Given that I was working in Creative, this wasn't an easy task. Basically, you have to click on the track number, and then you click it again to change the number. But don't click too fast, because that will just play the song. And don't click too slow, because then it'll have forgotten the first click. Ah, frustration. I don't know why they can't add spreadsheet functionality to these things. If I could just put the songs in alphabetical order and type in the track numbers, I'd be done in 2 minutes. Instead, it took like 15-20 minutes per year.

So I was all happy because I imported the songs onto my computer and I could transfer them over to my iPod. It was about 10:00 and I was about ready for bed. But then I discovered that some song titles were messed up. And some songs were included in multiple years. (Whoever created these annual lists didn't cross-check them. In my universe, Nickleback's "How You Remind Me" should only be on one Top 100 list, and that would be the year it was released. Yes, because I'm anal and borderline OCD.

It was already time for bed (I get up at 6:15 and like getting 8 hours of sleep, even though I never do). But I couldn't help cross-checking everything. So I went through and cleaned up all my artists. The first problem was changing things like "Hall and Oates" to "Hall & Oates" so all their songs would be together. I also had to get rid of all that "featuring" crap. I don't quite know who Ludacris or Lil' Kim is, but apparently, they do a lot of songs featuring other artists. That raises the question of whether these people actually exist on their own, or are they remoras of the hip hop world?

I went through every artist on my list, which wasn't easy. I have a lot of one-hit wonders in my music collection (which now numbers about 8600 songs). Getting all the artists cleaned up and getting rid of duplicate songs was doubly hard because I had to perform the same actions on my computer and my iPod. Otherwise, I'll have synchronization issues and I'll end up with like 9000 songs on my iPod and that would annoy me to no end.

Now it's 11:45 and I can barely hold my eyes open. I should probably head to bed. So I brush my teeth and hop in bed. And, of course, I can't sleep a wink. I'm tossing and turning. I'm thinking about how my OCD is a bit of a problem and how funny it'll be to write about on my blog in the morning. After 15 minutes of constant movement (and constant annoyance to The Wife, I'm sure), I head back to the office. I turn on the TV and hop in the recliner. Fortunately, Cheers had just started on WFLD. If I'm going to fall asleep in front of the TV, I need something I'm familiar with, so I don't have to open my eyes. Cheers fit that bill. (Seriously, otherwise, I'll force myself to watch, even though there's nothing else I want to do more in the world than close my eyes and go to sleep.)

I'm just glad that it's only 2006 and I didn't have any more years of songs to fix and clean up. Otherwise, I'm sure I would have stayed up all night doing them. The good news, though, is that after a wonderful Speedway cappuccino, I'm feeling pretty awake. And M&S will likely be closed tomorrow for Good Friday, so I'll have the day off. That'll be GREAT. In fact, I think they should change the name from Good Friday to Great Friday. Well, maybe they're waiting until it's a national holiday. Because if everyone had the day off, it sure would be Great.

Ah.... Dow... I too cannot watch television if I plan on falling asleep. No matter what it is.. I want to watch it. Even if I've seen it countless numbers of times.. ahem.. buffy.. I still will watch it. No matter how tired I am.

Last night I was sucked into a game. I just want to finish the dang thing. My mom started me on it and she can't beat it and now both of us are trying... stupid game. On an up note it kept me from feeling guilty about grading.. mainly because I was more concerned with keeping my eyes lubricated.
The real question is why you (or anyone) is listening to Nickelback.
That's just my point. It's bad enough that Nickelback was included on this list ONCE, but TWICE? That's just painful.

And yes, because I'm so anal, I can't even bring myself to delete Nickelback. What if one of the band members is cutting my lawn one of these days? Wouldn't it be great to blast that song out of the house while he does it?
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