Thursday, April 06, 2006


Ed vs. Spencer

Do you think that there's not enough competition on TV. Not enough reality shows either? Well, how about a reality show where people compete against each other? Too much of that too? Well, how about two friends competing for really stupid things like, who can gain the most weight or who is more liked by kids? Ah, there's what we're missing. Luckily, there's a new show on BBC America, called Ed vs. Spencer that does just that.

In the episode I watched, Ed and Spencer are competing to see who can stay handcuffed to the other one longer. They handcuff themselves to each other and are each given a key to unlock themselves. The competition is now very simple. The first one to unlock their handcuff loses.

It's an amazingly engrossing show because of what each person does to get the other guy to quit. Ed is a self-professed twat and before he gets handcuffed, he has a big breakfast of onions, beans, cabbage, and several other smelly things. Meanwhile, Spencer (a bit of a jock) spars to get out all his aggression so he doesn't kill Ed.

Once they're handcuffed, they step it up. Ed has a "break-down" in public that attracts the cops. Spencer takes Ed to a sauna to sweat him out. Ed gets Spencer wicked drunk and then tries to lock him out of the apartment. Spencer beats the crap out of Ed.

But the funniest thing that happened was when Spencer tried to eat. Spencer's right hand is cuffed to Ed's left hand. Spencer tried to take a bite of food (with his right hand) and Ed pulled his left hand down, forcing Spencer's hand down, away from his mouth. So Spencer tries another bite and Ed does it again. Spencer apparently tried switching to his left hand, but couldn't manage it. After going back to his right hand, Ed kept tormenting him. Maybe this just reminds me too much of my own childhood and my brothers, but I found it incredibly funny. Even though I would have been on the receiving end like Spencer.

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