Friday, April 14, 2006


Am I Gullible? Or Just Stupid? Or Both?

Today, I was blog-hopping. I happened upon a blog that The Wife reads frequently, Hola Isabel. In one of her entries, she mentions that she has no nasal septum. It's basically the thing in your nose that divides the left nostril from the right one. So what do I do when I read this? I stick both fingers up my nose to check and see if I have one. (The good news? I do have one. I can't tell you how relieved I was.)

I think this is a natural reaction. I'm sure some of you right now are wiping your fingers on your shirt, having done the exact same thing I did. The real question I have is how far I would have gone. If Isabel said that she didn't have a rectum, would I stick a finger up my butt to see if I had one?

What kills me is that I knew I had a nasal septum. But I couldn't go on living without checking. It would have woken me in the middle of the night (if I was able to fall asleep in the first place). And it wasn't just the nasal septum. If she had revealed that she was missing a toe, I would have checked mine. Cuz you never know when a toe might drop right off. Yes, I have problems.

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