Wednesday, March 29, 2006


What I'm Watching

One of the features I really like about my blog is the Now Playing section. The only problem with it? I don't really listen to much music right now. Well, that's not entirely true. On the one hand, I've been listening to a lot of Howard Stern, which isn't music. (Though, it is the funniest thing I've ever heard in my life. Crass? Of course, but funny, funny, funny.)

The other thing I've been listening to a lot lately is 80's songs. I put together a list of the top 100 songs of each year of the 80's. Actually, I stole somebody else's list. So now I'm going through it and making sure that I agree that all the songs should be there. Most shouldn't. Making matters worse is that my brother-in-law did something similar. And I know that once I'm done with MY list, I'm going to cross-check it with his to make sure I'm not missing anything. Cuz I'm anal like that. My point? My Now Playing list is going to be quite boring.

Thus, I've decided to make a new addition to the blog: What I'm Watching. I frequently comment on my favorite shows, such as 24 (great season so far) or The Shield (weak season, if you ask me). So, I'm going to add a list of what I've been watching lately. I'll split it into movies and TV shows. Thanks to Netflix, quite possibly the greatest idea ever, I watch a lot of movies. Of course, I end up using Netflix to rent TV shows too. I'm now caught up on Curb Your Enthusiasm and Deadwood, both wonderful shows.

I'll try to post (at least) mini-reviews of everything I'm watching. I'm hoping this will make me a more frequent poster because I've really been slacking off lately. I just have to understand that it's okay to post something that's just a couple hundred words long. And given some of what I've been watching lately, it'll be hard for me to come up with even that much.

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