Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Fun with Luke

Speaking of Luke (like I did in my last entry), I had a fun time with him last night. He's getting so grown up, it's scary. Daycare even told me this morning that he's actually been saying some words. What a little jerk! All he does at home is say "da!" I have a feeling that he's going to be talking at daycare long before he talks at home. He's probably thinking that it'll be a great practical joke. Then, when he does start talking, he'll probably start speaking in French or something. "La plaisanterie sur vous, papa."

Anyway, I got home from class around 7:00 last night. That's pretty close to Luke's bed time, so I was hoping to find him awake. He was. And boy was he excited to see me. That's always a nice way to come home. The Wife was fried from a whiny, complaining Luke. I gladly took him off her hands since he was in a good mood for me. If he were being a pain in the butt, I'm sure I would have had some "homework" that I needed to do.

Luke was having a blast going down the slide in the living room. (Yes, we have a slide in our living room. We're classy that way.) He's started going down head-first. Of course, he keeps his hands on the slide so he'll slowly inch down. But at least he's going down. I got up to tell The Wife about this. Luke started screaming. "Look at me, Dad!" So I followed him. He patted the coffee table (where I was sitting). After I sat back down, he went back to the slide to show me how he goes down it. As soon as I switched seats, he screamed. Glad to hear that my son isn't going to be anal like I am....

Then Luke and I spent some time playing around in the House of Tunnels that my brother-in-law bought him. It's basically 4 collapsable houses (kinda like in New Orleans, but these are supposed to collapse) and 4 tunnels that attach to the houses. Luke loves crawling in the tunnels to and from the houses. He also loves when I chase him into a tunnel. It must be very amusing because the tunnels are about 1 inch wider in diameter than my belly. So, as I crawl in the tunnel, it slowly collapses, getting dragged shut by my big belly.

Anyway, Luke was in a great mood, laughing the whole time. He's really the best audience in the world. All I have to do is grab his thigh and he'll start laughing. Or pick up his arm (like I'm going to kiss his armpit) and he'll burst out laughing. He's really a very easy-going kid. Well, as long as nobody's playing with his toys. The Wife had some other Mommies over for a play-date. As soon as the other kids touched Luke's stuff, he got wicked upset. Gee, that doesn't sound like a typical first child to me....

Luke knows quite a few words know, even if he refuses to actually speak. He knows where his head is. And his mouth, nose, ears, belly and feet. He knows "upstairs" and "downstairs." He definitely knows "day care." He also gets really upset in the morning if we don't get there soon enough. And as soon as I say "day care," he goes downstairs and grabs his jacket. And once his jacket's on, if I don't pick him up and put him in the car, it's upset city, baby! (Yes, that's my token Dick Vitale impersonation in honor of March Madness. Sounds a lot like him, doesn't it?)

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