Monday, March 06, 2006


D'oh! They're At It Again!

Less than a day after I say that TV programmers have no idea what the hell they're doing, they make another HUGE mistake. They took The Simpsons off the air! Can you believe it? It's an outrage, I tell ya! No more Simpsons at 5:00. All I have now is 6:00 and 10:00. Plus new episodes every Sunday night. That's not nearly enough! I demand more Simpsons!

I wouldn't be quite so upset about this development were it not for the show they replaced The Simpsons with: Yes Dear. Oh my. I've seen this show before. It's not good. It's really not good. Compared to Yes Dear, anal rape is funny. Yes Dear is some crappy sitcom with two sisters who are completely different. They marry two guys who, shockingly, are also completely different. They have children. They might live together. And hilarity ensues.

I'm very confused about Yes Dear. As far as I can tell, to be syndicated, a show has to be on the air 5 seasons. Until Yes Dear WAS syndicated, I didn't even know it was ON the air. Yet, apparently this show has been in since 2000! It's actually in it's 6th season! Rumor has it that they're actually hoping to get their 6th laugh this year too.

What makes things more perplexing is that WFLD is actually running TWO episodes of Yes Dear every day, back-to-back. Who needs this? Are there actually people out there clamoring for more Yes Dear? And if so, why? Are they not getting enough Becker? Are they upset that Spin City is no longer in syndication? I haven't been this amazed by a show since Urkel ruled the airwaves 10 years ago.

Anyway, if you're like me and you think this decision is idiotic, I invite you to email WFLD and tell them so. Only you can bring back The Simpsons. And only you can bring me one step closer to my dream of a 24x7 Simpsons channel.

I found your blog through a google search. I also emailed WLFD a few days ago.

They tried this about 6 or 7 years ago, I think -- two Simpsons episodes. The 3rd episode got restored very quickly. I hope it happens again. Sigh.
Sometimes I think I'm nuts for wanting so much Simpsons. It's nice to know there are other people out there like me. Nice, but a little scary too.
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