Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Creative Issues

There are many advantages to writing a blog. One of the things I really enjoy about it is that it allows my friends and family to keep up with the stupid things that go on in my life. Whether it's a home improvement project or a night on the town, people generally know what's going on. Of course, that's also one of the major disadvantages.

I don't go out with my friends as much as I used to. With a wife, a kid, a dog, and a house in the suburbs (not to mention a job and school), I find it hard to go out anymore. When I do go out, I love to tell stories. The problem? I've already told those stories on my blog. So I'll start telling a story only to be cut off by someone.

I always get mixed feelings when that happens. On the one hand, it's cool that people are actually reading my stupid blog entries. On the other hand, now I have absolutely nothing to say when I'm out with my friends. And in case you don't know me, I really like to talk when I'm out with my friends. Of course, I drink with my friends and I'm quite verbose when I drink, so that doesn't help. But now, I have nothing to say. (I'm also LOUD when I drink. So I'm starting to think that people are telling me that they read my blog just to shut me up. There's probably a 50-50 shot I wrote about something, so they're just taking a chance they can shut me up for a minute.)

This leaves me with a few alternatives. I could stop writing my blog. I don't like that option since I feel like I'm just starting to get my writing skills back. When I started this blog a couple months ago, I felt like one of those infamous million monkeys typing Shakespeare. Now I feel more like a chimpanzee. Which is nice.

That leaves me with two options. I have to either start making up stories on my blog, or start making up stories to tell my friends. And frankly, both of those options require WAY too much creativity. I suppose I could make my blog less about my everyday life and more about things people might find interesting. But then it wouldn't be a blog, now would it.

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