Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Stupid Trivia

I like trivia. For some reason, I have a knack for remembering stupid facts that have no bearing on my life. Meanwhile, I can't remember how old I am. I mean, why would I need to know that anyway?

The Wife created a trivia group on funtrivia.com and I try to play every day. Basically, you're asked 10 questions. Depending on how many you answer correctly and how quickly you answer them, you're assigned points for the day. At the end of the month, they add up all the points and declare a monthly winner. Well, I keep getting screwed.

Since joining the group, here are my finishes:

I feel like I'm destined to finish in 2nd place every month. Making matters worse is that of the 3 times I finished 2nd, I've lost by a combined 5 points. Where's the justice?

I'm clearly the best trivia player in this group. My problem? I keep forgetting to play. It's hard when you don't have a regular job. When I was working full-time, I had a routine. Get in, check my Yahoo email, check ESPN.com, pretend to study for an actuarial exam, take a nap, check Yahoo again, and so forth. It would have been easy to slide a trivia game in there, but now I can't even slide a NAP in! How the hell can I remember a trivia game?

And if that weren't bad enough, some jerks have been playing on weekends when nobody else plays. In fact, the guy who beat me this month did that for like 3 weekends this month. That alone explains the 1 point he beat me by. Jerk. I'll admit that I'm a big loser for (a) knowing all this trivia and (b) being competitive about it. But this guy's an even bigger loser because he has to play when nobody else is.

And yes, I hope he's reading this. Cuz I've officially laid the smack down. And I'm gonna totally kick your ass next month. I just wonder who's going to take 1st place though, because it sure as hell ain't gonna be me. But I know it ain't gonna be you either, Hogie. I'm coming after you!!!! (And yes, I've officially gone crazy.)

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