Sunday, January 29, 2006


Lunch with Papa

On Sunday, the family went over to my Papa's (maternal grandfather's) house. Papa's 86 and in a wheelchair. He has a live-in nurse, a Lithuanian woman who doesn't speak much English. She does make a mean vegetable soup though. Very tasty.

Anyway, as we were sitting around with my Papa, The Wife asked him some stories. He told us about his first apartment (at 22nd and Western) after he married my Nana (who passed away a couple of years ago). It was a 2-room apartment: kitchen and bedroom. They moved across the street a little while later to a 3-room apartment, picking up a living room. I think you have to REALLY love the person you married if you're going to live in a place that small. Maybe that's why the birth rate was so much higher back then....

The Wife asked Papa about how he met Nana. (Despite having known these people my entire life, I'd never heard this story.) He said that they got fixed up on a blind date. I found this amusing since The Wife and I met on a blind date thanks to Yahoo! Personals. Papa had a cousin A.C. (short for "All Crap," as my Papa said) who was trying to fix him up with the woman that lived in the apartment beneath him. My Papa kept saying "no," but got worn down. Eventually, he agreed to meet this woman. In Papa's own words, "As soon as I saw her, with those big eyes and big tits, I knew I'd marry her."

That's my Papa for you. And so if you ever wonder where I get my sense of humor, now you know.

I thought he was 'All Crap' as in full of it and that's why Papa didn't trust this guy's judgement in women.
Thanks. That makes more sense.
your best effort yet. and it really doesn't contain a single original thought. keep up the good work. nonfilters and old style?
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