Monday, January 23, 2006


The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
5 stars (out of 5)

Last weekend, The Wife and I went to go see Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and it's one of the best movies I've seen in quite some time. I know it makes me sound like a child to say that I loved a kid's movie. But I've thoroughly enjoyed all the Harry Potter books and films, so it shouldn't come as a surprise. I am, after all, a huge dork.

I read all the Narnia books when I was a wee child and I loved them. I haven't read them in about 10 years and I honestly don't really remember what happens in them. That's why I was so surprised at how well the movie dragged me in. It made me remember everything in the books and realize what a great job they did in making the movie.

I have to admit that the first part of the movie was rather boring. I mean, it's a bunch of ugly kids running around a mansion. (I don't understand why they couldn't find kids that weren't so repulsive to star in this movie, by the way. I mean Lucy's face could stop a clock. In fact, I'm not so sure that the creatures who were turned to stone didn't get that way via Lucy's face. Ugh.)

Anyway, the movie picks up when all the kids get to Narnia. And that's when I started to remember just how much I loved the book. It was probably the first book I read that I couldn't put down. I remember reading it in grade school (2nd grade? 4th grade?) and we were only supposed to read one chapter at a time. This was the first time (and possibly the last time until Slaughterhouse 5) that I read ahead. Well, the movie sticks to the book wonderfully and just completely immerses you in the world of Narnia.

I think what really made the movie great was seeing it in the theater. I always hear people say that you have to see such-and-such movie in the theater. I have so say, I never really got it until I got married and had a kid. When we watch a movie at home, Luke's always fussy. Or The Wife and I end up having stupid conversations during the film. And we're always taking breaks to let the dog out or kick the cat in the head. But at the theater, there were no distractions. And this is one of those movies that if you let it, it'll sweep you up and take you on a ride. Not quite as good a ride as the Demon at Great America, but a good damn ride nonetheless.

If you haven't seen Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe yet, I suggest that you run to a theater right now (don't even tell your boss why you're leaving) and see it. But remember that I told you the kids are ugly and shield your eyes when Lucy first appears. Otherwise, she might just burn your retinas.

You obviously have never seen the BBC Version of the movie. Oy. Talk about ugly. Seriously.. it made me think that this Lucy was cute. Honestly.

Check it out
Maybe cause they're British?

I did not love it as much as the HP movies. I think I've read the Narnia books just too many times. Actually there was just one REALLY annoying part to me and that was a line that is repeated in my version of the book and they threw it in at the end but misquoted. Of course again, perhaps it's my version, although I doubt it.. it's not like it's a translation.

In general... good.. very good. I cried.
Oh yeah, in the pic.. back row, Susan, Aslan, Edmund
Front row, Lucy and Peter.

Oh my lord those children are annoying in that film.
Thanks for pointing out Aslan. Cause I totally wouldn't have figured that out.
i knew i'd get flak for that one. bite me.
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